When It’s Okay To Quit

??‍♂️ Even with someone like me; A true entrepreneurial hustler; A heart centered driven artist and a go getter, it’s still ok to pause, step back and reevaluate.

? These photos were taken when I was painting out of my living room. I’m covered in paint because just when I was finishing this piece, I slipped and completely fell into it.

? I had to start over with the little supplies I had left for this enormous commission and hope to do it justice.

? This event was 2.5 years ago. I’ve had multiple studios and employees since, yet I still pause often and ask myself if this is what I want.

? I gauge my peace and joy and ask myself if WYNN modern art. still serves that purpose for me.

? I once wrote an article for Forbes called “When It’s Okay To Quit”

Clear here for that article!



?‍♀️ I’m writing this to empower all of you to pause what you’re doing in life and decide if it’s still serving you.

For me, WYNN modern art. IS still serving me. If I’m tired, I take a day off.
When I’m over working, I remind myself to paint for fun or pick up another hobby ? ? ?

But don’t be scared to ask if what you’re doing in life is still wise. ?

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When It’s Okay To Quit

Victoria Wynn

Victoria Wynn describes herself as an introverted people lover. She’s a passionate and heart centered LUXE Fluid Artist and CEO of WYNN modern art. She can be found in Forbes, Fox TV, working with Disney and in women’s magazines globally as she writes and speaks on business, love and art. For Victoria, creating this innovative style of art and using her WYNN modern art. LUXE products like crushed mirror, gemstones and metallic powders is a spiritual experience, a source of meditation and a means to help people manage the stresses of the world.